"Stop diabetes" project

Unfortunately, today more and more often we face such a terrible notion, like diabetes, thus minimum of 25% of the people are unaware of their disease.

Day by day they calmly go about their business, while the diabetes destroys their body.

Certainly, diagnostics and treatment should be done by the doctor, but everybody should pay attention to the first symptoms of diabetes.

So, the main symptoms of diabetes are:

- chronic fatigue ,
- often  uresiesthesia,
- unexplained weight loss,
- wounds heal for a long time,
- sexual problems,
- perennial hunger,
- blurry vision,
- numbness or  tingling in legs and hands
- constant thirst,,
- vaginal infection in women.

In the presence of one or more symptoms at the same time, you should see a doctor for diagnostics of the organism.

 In turn, our chain of pharmacies "Kraina Zdorov'ya" in the framework of the project «STOP diabetes» held a free measurement of sugar in the pharmacy № 20 ( Mezhevaya Street, 23).   Over 100 people not only measured the blood sugar level, but also got advice from our highly qualified specialists.